
1.Compare the several aspects, such as, entertainment, working system, city management, occupations, social relations and values, travels, religion, education, public laws, and the value of happiness, and so on of Utopia with our Taiwan’s society.

In the entertainment aspect, utopians don't do gamble and ruinous games, they play music or enjoy the pleasure of chatting when they have some free time to spare. people in Taiwan do all sort of things for recreation, such as playing video games, reading, going hiking, watching movies etc.

agriculture is the one occupation at which everyone works, men and women alike, with no exception. besides farm work, each person is taught a particular trade of his own. here in Taiwan, people could whatever kind of job they want to and change their job whenever they feel like to.

the utopians choose an official, formly called syphogrant, out of every thirsty household to vote the governor for them. and the governor holds his job until his life ends or proven against the Utopia. every individual in Taiwan can vote form president as long as he or she reach eighteen; the president election runs once every four years. 

each family can only contain ten to sixteen adults in the family in utopia, woman will become a member of another household when she is married to her husband. the oldest male member of the family is the ruler of the household. It's pretty similiar in Taiwan that women become a member of another family once they are married, but there are no such ruler thing in the society of Taiwan compared with Utopia.

in Utopia,a person must get the permission from the syphogrants and tranibors if he want to travel to another place, the utopians often travel in group with their wagons and public slaves to drive the oxen and look after them. people in Taiwan travel to anyplace they want as long they have money, passports of course if they want to go abroad. 


2.Do you like Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey’s poems?  Why?

I like some of his poems because they are really beautiful, they are an art in a way, but there are some other poems of his the diat are too hard for me to understand, even through i have looked up the dictionaries for vocabulaies.


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