After reading Sir Gawain and the Green Knight I finally realized that King Arthur and his knight were characters made from someone's fantasy.

so basically there's like twenty years of my life thinking King Arthur and his people are some historical  heros. (how silly!!!)


Though there's the Brutus Book in the text book claim that the whole story is a real story, but come on!! who's gonna believe that there

was this "Green man" who can did all  these......things. Like...his head can't be chopped off from his neck?!  He can change his appearence that

Sir Gawain can't even recognize him?! It was at a very ancient times by  the way, there's probably not many things that can help one man to disguise

his appearence. 


I don't know if there's anyone out there still thinks that those knight are all real.

wake up!!! maybe there were some knights in the medieval times but NO King Arthur and his knight. 



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