we spend a entire hour watching the movie "Gulliver's Travels" in the class. Too bad that I had to go promote for English Drama or I would love to stay for the entire film and to see the Houyhnhnms and yahoos in the movie.

 Samuel Johnson is a brilliant poet and talker, I admire his purpose of writing " to see life as it is" 

such ideal of his is seldom be seen in other famous writers of English literature. Most of them write to convey their own ideal, which are more like to  talk readers into their view of point.

Samuel Johnson's achivement include the first English Dictionary ever existed in the world. He finished this incredible mission in seven years all by himself and his six assistants while French finished theirs in forty years with forty academicians. He had also found the series of perioddical essays, Rambler and Idler. after he reveived the pension from the king, he finished his edition of Shakeapeare and his last important work, the Lives of the Poets.

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