
among these two authors (Thomas Campion, Richard Barnfield), I prefer Richard Barnfield's works better, his poems are much easiler for us to understand. Maybe this opinion of mine may seems shallow, but a good literature work should be understood by people, and from this understanding, people can further see the wisdom inside of it and appreciate the beauty of the work.  Richard Barnfield did that, through his poem, I can understand clearly what he was trying to tell us. Though I chose to transcribe Thomas Campion's poem, Barnfield's poems are indeed my favorite.

It was fun in Class, to listen to different people's opinion about the same poem, It was a good thing that we can understand things from different aspect.

ps. last week we saw small parts of the movie " King Lear" I wonder if it is possible for us to watch the whole movie so we can have the concept of this great work.


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