
After learning the background history of the early seventeenth centery, I realized that religion was a big issue during that time period for the English people.The conflict between catholic and christian kept going on with their hatred toward each other. The tension built higher and higher,eventually led to the"Gunpowder Plot" the history would be total different if those disaffected catholics did success, it would have eliminated much of England's ruling class in a single tremendousexplosion,leaving the land vulnerable to invasion by a foreign, catholic power. Many religious problems also exist to people. such as, how should public worship be conducted? How should the Script be understood?  How should people pray?What happened to people's souls after they died?

In my opinion, the celemony of worship should be conducted separately. It would be hard to find the balance since catholic and christian have different definition on the same matter of Bible. Since  the worship celemony are hold separately, both the catholic and the christian can have their own explanationon the Script to their own believers. As for praying, I think both catholic and christian pray in a kind similiar way, they whisper they prayers their God (some of them say it in their heart without making any sound). so pray should not be a big problem for them unless they were looking for the absoute rule in praying.  what would happen to people after they die? This I cannot answer; maybe there's nothing, maybe a heaven for good people to go, a hell for bad ones. Nobody on the earth really knows; but for either a catholic or a christian, there must be an after life waiting after he or she dies. The most pratical thing to so is to stay faithful to their only God.



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